Civilization VI

I know- I know- I'm so late. 

I am a huge fan for what my husband refers to as "SIM games". 
Games like Pharaoh and prison Architect.
( If you know the proper term, please let me know.)
I like games you can build and control the economic aspect. 

Please suggest any game of the kind: 
I have already played MINCRAFT and I'm going to have to pass. 

Anyways, my husband purchased civilization VI for me a year or more ago.
 I loaded it once or twice to try and get through JUST the tutorial.
I ended up getting preoccupied or the game would glitch and freeze half way through. 

Needless to say the controller was put down, and the dust came. 
My husband how ever PLAYED.
He feel in love with the game so much he convinced many of our friends to buy it. 
The switch doesn't offer online multipler, so 
they are now weekly visitors, who sit on my couch and play- while I blog 😉. 

I'm glad someone is using it.

The other night however, I paid attention (I know...) I saw the chart with cash flow and profit.
 The nerd came out and I wanted to get my hands dirty!
Move over hubby and hand me the controller, forget the kids and dishes, besides who needs a "tutorial"? 

One week off of work, many fast food runs and no tread mill later. Here I am.
Turn 189 and I've concured one side of the map, every player hates me and the gold is coming in.

If your question is: Do you feel like a queen?
 You'd be wrong... I feel like a GOD!

Snapping back to reality is no longer an option. 
How will I function at work, knowing John curton might win with science!
The struggle


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