
Civilization VI

I know- I know- I'm so late.  I am a huge fan for what my husband refers to as "SIM games".  Games like Pharaoh and prison Architect. ( If you know the proper term, please let me know.) I like games you can build and control the economic aspect.  Please suggest any game of the kind:  I have already played MINCRAFT and I'm going to have to pass.  Anyways, my husband purchased civilization VI for me a year or more ago.  I loaded it once or twice to try and get through JUST the tutorial. I ended up getting preoccupied or the game would glitch and freeze half way through.  Needless to say the controller was put down, and the dust came.  My husband how ever PLAYED. He feel in love with the game so much he convinced many of our friends to buy it.  The switch doesn't offer online multipler, so  they are now weekly visitors, who sit on my couch and play- while I blog 😉.  I'm glad someone is using it. The other night however, I paid attenti...
 Today I was brave enough to open my Robin hood account. (It is 2022 so I'm assuming at this point everyone and their mamma knows or has this app.) I have been investing a small part of my paycheck into this account for a few years now, and despite my father in laws advise to "Stop investing in Crypto",  I kept my shares and followed the digital craze.  (If this blog had auto- I'd attach a cat screaming.) WHY?  1st thing that crossed my mind "Why didn't I listen?" 2nd thing- SELL SELL SELL . (I Didn't)  I am concerned though, at the peak of my small profolio I had enough funds to cash out several times.  In fact when DOGE peaked, I was able to purchase our family Dog, and pay off credit card bills.  I was far from rich, but for this small town girl, I just scratched the winning ticket. Now, through out this continued investment, I've seen ups and downs but never panicked.  BUT Here we are June of 2022 and I'm so done.  I feel like my pa...